Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Sky Fruit(向天果/Xiang Tian Guo)The Miracle Fruit

Sky Fruit(向天果/Xiang Tian Guo)The Miracle Fruit

Sky fruit seeds is white in colour and very bitter.

Some videos for readers reference only.

Benefits of Sky Fruit The Miracle Herb

Health Benefits of Swietenia Mahogany King Seed

Sky Fruit contains Flavonoids found in Ginkgo biloba

Sky Fruit contains Saponins found in Ginseng 

Sky fruit info in CHINESE  神奇的向天果华文资料

SKY-FRUIT has been widely accepted by medical specialists and doctors. Its consumers' testimonials have made its recognition of its core values to be one of the best health products among those available in the market. Not only is SKY-FRUIT pure in nature, its basis of suitability to health makes it an excellent product. No ill side effect is encountered even for long term consumption.

Sky fruit is the fruit of Mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) tree.The seeds of the sky fruit is a valuable medicine because the seeds is found to contain lots of Flavonoids and Saponins.Saponins is the active ingredients in ginseng while Flavonoids is the active ingredients in ginkgo.When you are taking sky fruit you are taking the best ingredients of ginseng and ginkgo at the same time.

Some of the health properties of sky fruit:
Sky Fruit contains 33 types of FLAVONOIDS and 27 types of SAPONINS, much higher bioactive contents from similar plant family such as Ginseng.

Sky Fruit contains various natural proteins, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and other essential body nutrients.

Properties of flavonoids-
Able to promote an efficient blood circulation and to interfere with the formation of atherosclerotic plaque.
- Lowers cholesterol levels and lowers fats build-up in the blood stream.
- Reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.
- Has an anti-inflammatory action that inhibits the body's natural enzymes from producing the chemical that triggers tissue inflammation.
- Ability in reducing pain, bleeding, bruising, and the fluid retention that result from tissue injuries.
- Acts as an antioxidant and as a free radical scavenger.

Flavonoids may protect against lung cancer by stopping the development of blood vessels that tumors need to grow and spread. They may also stop cancer cells from growing, allowing a naturally programmed cell death, or apoptosis, to occur.

Properties of Saponins

- As an agent in cancer prevention and reduces body fats

- Enhances immune system and improves vitality.

- Reduces blood clotting and alleviates blood sugar.

- Enhances the functions of the heart and prolonging blood clotting process.

SKYFRUIT also contains various amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and other essential nutrients to maintain optimum health and vitality.

Sky fruit is effective for :

low sex drive (Revitalize sex drive)
Impotency (Improve sperm quality)
Inconceivable (Increase pregnancy rate)
Gut problems
High blood pressure
low blood pressure
Diabetes (Regulate blood sugar)
Skin allergy
Sensitive skin
Skin disease
Beautify skin (Beauty agent)

Low energy (Revitalize energy)

Increase strength
Rebuild tissues

Reactivate cells
Cancer or tumour
liver disease
Bad breath
High cholesterol
Nose allergy
Heart problem(Restore healthy heart and brain, etc.)
Poor appetite
Poor health
Menstruation pain
low immune system
Secretion disorder
Digestive problem
Bloated body
High uric acid
Joint pains
Dark spots on body and face
Menstruation pain
Body ache
Chest pain
Breathing difficulty
Knee pain
Nerve problem
Blurred vision
Hormones and menstrual disorders
Promote blood circulation
lack of oxygen in the body
Helps alleviate fatigue

Strengthen stomach, heart, lungs, liver, spleen

Replenish blood and strengthen arteries
Improves kidney functions
Purify blood
Target Users of Skyfruit:
skin allergy, sensitive skin,pimples and blisters
heart problem,
menstruation pain,
first stage stroke,
poor appetite, poor health
liver disease,
sensitive skin, pimples and blisters,
low immune system,
foul breath,
high cholesterol,
constipation, digestive system problem,
secretion disorder,
tumour or growth,
remove pimples and freckles,beautify skin and etc.


3-4 pieces of sky fruit seeds to be taken on empty stomach in the morning before breakfast and 3-4 pieces maybe taken before sleep if your condition is serious.
Sky fruit is heaty so remember to drink more water or barley/chrysanthemum tea.

How to consume sky fruit

Break open the seeds of sky fruit.The flesh is white in colour,it is very bitter.Do not chew,simply use a knife to cut the flesh into very small pieces for easier digestion and swallow with warm water or use a grinder to grind the seeds into powder for best absorption.
Alternatively you can break the flesh in very small pieces.You can drink honey together with sky fruit if you cannot take the bitterness.Sky fruit is heaty,do drink more water throughout the day and take some cooling herbal tea from time to time.

Old Mahogany trees=high quality sky fruits My sky fruits are from old Mahogany trees in Indonesia.Not the type of younger mahogany trees you find in Singapore or Malaysia.The older the mahogany tree,the better the medical properties as the older trees have roots deeper into the ground absorbing more nutrients resulting in higher quality sky fruits.Fresh sky fruits can last 2 years.
My sky fruit seeds capsules are high in concentrated form. 1 capsules=6 seeds.
Sky fruit capsules 90 piececs=$40

                                             90grams about 200 over pieces $20 each packet.

Michael Hp+65 98524781
Some websites for readers reference only

My sky fruit capsules is also available at low price of 90 capsules at $40. Just do a price comparsion online and you will find the big difference in price

  华文 :(向天果)
  英文 :(SKY FRUIT)
  马来文 :(Buah Tunjuk Langit)
  向天果盛产於南太平洋最洁净,受污染最少的所罗门群岛与斐济岛,生长于所罗门群岛高达140公尺高果树之果实,原名為:Fructus Swietewa Marcrophillea,须经15年生长才能结果收成,它属于楝科植物,其果实直立于枝端,向天生长,故名向天果, 亦有植物之后的美称。

  向天果由开花至果实成熟期需时9-12个月,会结果的树一般高度40至60尺. 当地居民服用向天果保健


  向天果有助于调节人体各器官之间的内环境平衡,保障每个细胞的正常活动,促进微循环系统的血液流量,提高人体免疫能力,确保人体器官组织功能操作健全,对治疗糖尿病, 血压高、高血脂,过敏性疾病、内分泌失调等有非常显著的功效。






  第1活性成份:皂角苷(Saponins) 向天果含有丰富的”皂角苷”
  提高免疫系统 、抗癌抑瘤 、防止发炎的功效、促进新陈代谢、增强免疫 、调节血糖 、降脂抑肥 、保护心肌。

  第2活性成份:黄酮类(Flavonoids) 向天果所含有的”黄酮类”
  它主要有以下保健作用:促进血液循环系统 、对抗自由基的功能 、抗防氧化的功能 、预防患冠状动脉硬化性心脏病 、调节胆固醇含量降低脂肪在血管壁上囤积、预防脑血管阻塞引起中风 、预防老人痴呆症。

  第3活性成份:异黄酮(Iso-Flavonoids) 向天果所含有的” 异黄酮”,它主要有以下保健作用:天然植物雌性荷尔蒙 、缓解更年期不适 、预防骨质疏松 、预防心血管疾病及降低胆固醇 、抗衰老 、改善经期 、防癌、抗癌作用。其作用可自各相关报导得知:


 向天果主治:糖尿病、 高血压。




  轻微病患者(如甜尿水平在于8至16点数)每次2枚果仁,餐后服用2枚果仁,一天共服用6 枚果仁。 

  严重病患者(如甜尿水平高于20点数)每次3枚果仁,餐后服用3枚果仁,一天共服用9 枚果仁(如病况好转,服量就必须减少)



  因为向天的果实据有养分作用,对于壮阳益精, 消除疲劳,增强体力,排毒,修复组织,提高受孕率,扶正固体,活化细胞,美艳养颜,预防老化,强胃健肺,解酒保肝,益血补脉,健睥止泻,清毒排毒,调节血 糖,养心安神等神奇功效 ! 




  幸运的是在后来我的血糖和血压都控制的很好很稳定,没出现过并发症。这得归功于向天果。这个是我的一位朋友推荐我吃的,他是三高患者,一直都是靠吃向天果来控制,没有吃药,我按着他的建议吃,刚开始吃的1个多月,血糖和血压就有所下降了,不到3个月我的血糖就由从开始的13点多 降到了6点多,血糖和血压一直都很平稳。现在我把药也停了,每天就吃几粒向天果,我的血糖和血压再也没有出现过偏高。



Michael Hp+65 98524781

Monday, 12 December 2011

Kong Ming Deng/ Sky Lantern

Special promotion 3 kong ming/sky lantern  

Sky Lantern, fire resistant paper, White color!!!

  • Weight: 80 gram
  • Size: 108x65x38cm
Don't forget to make a wish when the lantern take-off

Each pack contains a sky lantern and a solid fuel.

Kongming lantern, also called sky lantern, is the first hot air balloon invented by Zhuge  Liang, a famous military strategist in ancient China.

During the period of Three Kingdoms (220~280), Zhuge Liang was trapped in Pingyang (a city in ancient China) and he could not go out for help. However, Zhuge,who was good at measuring wind direction, made a floating paper lantern to send out a message for help.

Before long, he was saved by the army who received his lantern. Later, people call it kongming lantern as Kongming is the style name of Zhuge Liang.

Traditionally in China, people write their hopes, wishes or goodbyes on the lanterns before lighting and releasing them, which is why sky lanterns are also known as wishing lanterns.

During the night of lantern festival, Some people in Taiwan will fly kong ming lantern by writing their wishes on the paper lantern and pray their wishes come true. 
Long time ago, people thought the lantern will fly up to the heaven. The god of heaven will receive their messages and will give them blessing.

Kong ming lanterns are fast gaining popularity in Thailand, these lanterns are released not only during Thai festivals, but also during celebrations such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, birthday, anniversaries,wedding , party ,holiday and other celebrations.

You can create an romantic and fantastic atmosphere for your lovers on your date or special days.

As a wishing lantern, simply write your wishes or love notes on the lantern before releasing it into the sky!

Do not use Sky Lanterns near airports, power lines, petrol stations, hazardous storage, dry crops or areas where the ground is likely to set fire very easily.

How to tie the paper fuel to your Kong Ming lantern?
Simply place the paper fuel in the position as shown in the picture below and tighten the wire to secure the paper fuel to the lantern.

How to use the sky lantern?
Unfold the bag and fill the sky lantern with air as you would like a garbage bag.
Light the fuel cell and allow it to burn for 30 sec.
Hold the sky lantern upright over the flame, without letting the paper touch the flame.

Allow the air in the bag to be heated sufficiently (1-2 minutes) until the sky  lantern begins to slowly rise and the sides are warm to touch.

Release the sky  lantern and enjoy the show! 
Children should be accompanied by adults.

Basically you have to find a open space free far away from petroleum or building.

My Contact Info:Michael Tan
Email:tankoonpeng@gmail.com HP 98524781 sms or call me for more info!